July 26th, 2019


Even this year we have scheduled an appointment with the photo class Gruppo Fotografico Pescantina for a photo exhibition.


Even this year, on Friday July 26th at 9.15 pm at Villa Spinosa, we have scheduled an appointment with the photo class Gruppo Fotografico Pescantina for a photo exhibition.
It is the sixth time that we propose such a projection in the courtyard of the winery in Jago.
In the summer 2019 the camera of photographer Alessandro Beltrame is back in the United States for a "Coast to Coast" from San Francisco to New York, crossing The States from West to East.

"We continue - says Enrico Cascella Spinosa of Villa Spinosa - to carry on this initiative that has been so successful in the last years. Photography is a passion, a "democratic" form of art that allows many people to express themselves. Even by looking it through pictures, America is always a dream "

The entrance is free. The event will be held outdoors, and it will take place even in case of rain, inside the PalaJago hall.
For further information:

phone 045 7500093/3403060480
email info@villaspinosa.it




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about Villa Spinosa or
for booking a visit.

It will be our pleasure to let you know
our proposals and welcome you
to the heart of the Valpolicella.

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Via Jago Dall’Ora, 14
37024 Negrar in Valpolicella (Verona)
P.IVA 02237040239